Aired Saturday April 27, 11:00am - 2:00pmon AFN Movie

Doctor Sleep (2019)

Horror / Thriller

Struggling with alcoholism, Dan Torrance remains traumatized by the sinister events that occurred at the Overlook Hotel when he was a child. His hope for a peaceful existence soon becomes shattered when he meets Abra, a teen who shares his extrasensory gift of the "shine." Together, they form an unlikely alliance to battle the True Knot, a cult whose members try to feed off the shine of innocents to become immortal.

United Kingdom
Cast and crew
  • Mike FlanaganDirector
  • Ewan McGregorDan Torrance
  • Rebecca FergusonRose the Hat
  • Kyliegh CurranAbra Stone
  • Cliff CurtisBilly Freeman
  • Zahn McClarnonCrow Daddy
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