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Waiting to Exhale (1995)

Romance / Comedy drama

Navigating through careers, family and romance, four friends bond over the shortcomings in their love lives -- namely, the scarcity of good men. Both as the "other woman," Savannah (Whitney Houston) and Robin (Lela Rochon) carry on relationships with married men, each believing their lovers will leave their wives for them. On the flip side, Bernadine (Angela Bassett) ends up alone when her husband divorces her for his mistress. Meanwhile, Gloria (Loretta Devine) finds love with a new neighbor.

Cast and crew
  • Forest WhitakerDirector
  • Whitney HoustonSavannah 'Vannah' Jackson
  • Angela BassettBernadine 'Bernie' Harris
  • Lela RochonRobin Stokes
  • Loretta DevineGloria 'Glo' Matthews
  • Gregory HinesMarvin King
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